Early this Fall I had the opportunity to sit down and speak candidly with Northwestern Mutual Financial Network (NMFN) Campus Recruiter Erin Oakley about the role that Career Fairs play in the recruiting process.
About Erin:
Erin is a Wisconsin native and a graduate of Ripon College. At Ripon College, Erin pursued a B.A. with an individual major in Music Entrepreneurship and a minor in Leadership Studies. Self-identifying as a product of a Liberal Arts education, Erin has taken her passion for building relationships and entrepreneurial spirit into her work as a Campus Recruiter for Northwestern Mutual Financial Network.Question: What role does a career fair play in the recruiting process for you?
Answer: Lots! A career fair provides access to a lot of students with lots of majors. She looks for students who are selling their skills and experiences. Additionally, it is an opportunity to make connections with students they may have previously connected with at information session of who have attended other events.
Question: What do you look for in the students you meet at the career fair?
Answer: A few key points including:
•Professional attire
•Strong presenter (good eye contact and handshake)
•Asking good questions (why you, why us)
•A demonstrated passion
Question: What would you tell 1st and 2nd year students about attending Career Fairs?
Answer: Go for it! Attend a fair even if you don’t know what you want to do. Put yourself out there. Practice the opportunity.
Question: Resumes and follow-up. What is your take?
Answer: Career fairs help us them determine how they will rank the resumes they receive. After the fair, she will call the top candidates and let them know they are being strongly sought. Career fairs can help a candidate move up or down in regards to their application status.
Follow-up after a career fair is very important, as important as a first impression. If you are interested, show them and connect with them again after the fair.
In summary:
•Career Fairs are an essential part of the recruiting process as they can help you rise above your peers
•Career Fairs can provide you with access to opportunities that you may otherwise not qualify for
•Attend a career fair regardless of your year-in-school or major; it will be worth the practice
•Prepare for the Career Fair
•Follow-up afterword
Visit your Career Services office to learn more!