Monday, September 30, 2013

The Value of Career Fairs in the Recruiting Process: From the Employer Perspective

Early this Fall I had the opportunity to sit down and speak candidly with Northwestern Mutual Financial Network (NMFN) Campus Recruiter Erin Oakley about the role that Career Fairs play in the recruiting process.

About Erin: 

Erin is a Wisconsin native and a graduate of Ripon College. At Ripon College, Erin pursued a B.A. with an individual major in Music Entrepreneurship and a minor in Leadership Studies. Self-identifying as a product of a Liberal Arts education, Erin has taken her passion for building relationships and entrepreneurial spirit into her work as a Campus Recruiter for Northwestern Mutual Financial Network.

Question: What role does a career fair play in the recruiting process for you?

Answer: Lots! A career fair provides access to a lot of students with lots of majors. She looks for students who are selling their skills and experiences. Additionally, it is an opportunity to make connections with students they may have previously connected with at information session of who have attended other events.

Question: What do you look for in the students you meet at the career fair?

Answer: A few key points including:
•Professional attire
•Strong presenter (good eye contact and handshake)
•Asking good questions (why you, why us)
•A demonstrated passion

Question: What would you tell 1st and 2nd year students about attending Career Fairs?

Answer: Go for it! Attend a fair even if you don’t know what you want to do. Put yourself out there. Practice the opportunity.

Question: Resumes and follow-up. What is your take?

Answer: Career fairs help us them determine how they will rank the resumes they receive. After the fair, she will call the top candidates and let them know they are being strongly sought. Career fairs can help a candidate move up or down in regards to their application status.

Follow-up after a career fair is very important, as important as a first impression. If you are interested, show them and connect with them again after the fair.

In summary:

•Career Fairs are an essential part of the recruiting process as they can help you rise above your peers
•Career Fairs can provide you with access to opportunities that you may otherwise not qualify for
•Attend a career fair regardless of your year-in-school or major; it will be worth the practice
•Prepare for the Career Fair
•Follow-up afterword

Visit your Career Services office to learn more!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Internship of the Week: Digital Media Lab Intern @ Madison Public Library

The Organization: 
Madison Public Library’s tradition of promoting education, literacy and community involvement has enriched the City of Madison for more than 135 years.  Our nine locations throughout the City of Madison are open six days per week and welcome over 2.35 million visits each year.

The Position:
Media Lab Interns will gain hands-on experience in their field while helping to boost the profile of a well-respected public library system. Opportunities exist to work with the public in an instructional capacity in the fields of; Video Game Design, Animation, Music and Sound Design, Film Making and Editing.  Media Lab Interns will also work with the Media Lab Instructor to organize and implement workshops and classes.

Responsibilities include-

  1. Assist the lab Instructor with lessons, workshops and classes
  2. Lead discussions and demonstrations in your chosen field of study
  3. Aid in the creation of the media lab infrastructure and pipelines
  4. Help maintain lab equipment 
  5. Supervise the media lab during Open Lab hours 
  6. Other media lab-related tasks as needed

Qualifications Desired-

  1. Enrolled in a college or university 
  2. Have strong technical, artistic and interpersonal skills
  3. Able to work an occasional weekend or evening

The Details:
Location: Madison, WI
Time Period: Fall/Spring/Summer
Compensation: Unpaid
Desired Background: Current UW student; pursuing a degree in entertainment, education, media production, digital art or related field.
Organization Contact: Tana Elias
Organization Website:
BuckyNet ID: 66569

Application Deadline: October 3, 2013

**Additional application details & requirements can be found on BuckyNet**

Monday, September 9, 2013

Internship of the Week: Development & Communication Intern @ Project Vote Smart

The Organization:
In a very real sense the need for Project Vote Smart was born in the 1787 Constitutional Convention. Unbridled power, "factions" that might deform their vision and an informed people were our Founding Fathers’ paramount concerns.

Had they also been able to witness the great fortune of their design they would be pleased. However, had they also been able to witness the future ability of "factions" to torture truth, influence the structure and purpose of their creation by effectively frustrating the people's ability to be informed, they clearly would have created Vote Smart or something very much like it.

It was through this awareness by political leaders of both parties (Ford, Carter, Goldwater, McGovern, Frenzel, Leach, Ferraro, Proxmire, Hatfield etc.) and members of groups like the League of Women Voters, Common Cause and the American Taxpayers Union, along with third party leaders like the Libertarian, Green and Natural Law Parties and their concerns about the changing character and conduct of politicians and campaigns that Project Vote Smart was born.

The Position:
The Project Vote Smart National Internship Program provides a unique lesson in the study of American politics. Students from across the nation and around the world come to our high tech research center in the Montana Rockies for ten weeks to help American citizens educate themselves about elected officials and candidates. By providing this information in an easy and accessible manner, Project Vote Smart believes that citizens can better defend themselves from the political hype and misrepresentation characteristic of present day political campaigns.

Project Vote Smart is looking for interns with skills and interests that can be put to work in their Communications and Development department.

Responsibilities will include: 
1.Maintaining contact information for national and statewide media
2.Contacting news organizations regarding news releases
3.Assisting with the writing and editing of external communications
4.Researching and assisting with new outreach/public relation campaigns
5.Creating content for the organization on Facebook and Twitter.
In addition, those with graphic design experience, both web and print, are strongly encouraged to apply.

Qualifications Desired-
The overriding qualification for securing an internship position is your willingness to commit 100% to the Project's goals and mission.  In addition, you must meet the following requirements:

1. Must be able to set aside political beliefs and be objective and non-partisan while working
2. Must be in good standing with your university/school, as current student or alum
3. Must be able to commit to a minimum of 10 consecutive weeks
4. Lastly, please remember that our research facility is located in an extraordinarily beautiful but remote area. You will be expected to maintain the facility.

The Details:
Location: Philipsburg, Montana
Time Period: 10 weeks (variable start)
Compensation: Free room & board; unpaid
Desired Background: All majors
Organization Contact: Jim Harrold
Organization Website:
BuckyNet ID: 58927

Application Deadline: October 10, 2013

**Additional application details & requirements can be found on BuckyNet**